Community Guidelines
Minecraft Servers (Java/Bedrock)
Treat others with respect.
There’s no need to say or do things to make others feel bad or upset. Trolling, generally defined as provoking a person/situation to get a response, is also not allowed. This rule also encompasses intentionally trying to kill users in "Safe-zones." While places like The Market are not inherently safe-zones, there is no reason to go player hunting there.
Offensive content is not allowed.
While some amount of swearing is perfectly fine, severe or frequent vulgarity, especially when directed at others, is not. Offensive item/mob names, skins, or structures are not allowed, and you are required to change or remove any if asked by a staff member.
Keep chat stream-friendly.
Chat should be stream-friendly. This means certain subjects are not allowed in chat. These include, but are not limited to, discussions about sex, politics, religion, or drugs. If a staff member asks you to move a conversation elsewhere or drop one, you should do so.
Advertising is not allowed.
Advertising other Minecraft servers is strictly banned. You also may not advertise websites, YouTube channels, Twitch streams, or anything else if it is not related to Sacred Stars.
Allow moderators to do their jobs.
You may not attempt to do a moderator’s job in threatening to punish players for breaking the rules. You are not allowed to argue against any decision made by a staff member regarding the enforcement of the rules in any public channel. If you do disagree, please contact that staff member privately to resolve the issue, and if you cannot, contact administration via discord/email.
Spamming is not allowed.
Spamming is filling chat with repeated messages or not using a semi-formal format for basic communication is not tolerated. There is no need for 50 messages when you can put it into 1-2.
Cheating is not tolerated.
Cheating in any form is not allowed. Anything that is considered to give you an unfair advantage over other players is considered cheating. This can include but is not limited to client mods to generate items easier or faster than otherwise possible, abusing server bugs, or using alts/friends to gain more than you would normally gain on a single account.
Sea of Thieves Servers
Treat others with respect.
While this is Sea of Thieves and not Sea of Friends, there is also no need to intentionally seek out player kills for no reason. If you are a reaper, and you are not fired upon, you are only to go for other reapers. That is not to say some thievery isn't prohibited. Captains are to uphold this standard.
Keep chat stream-friendly.
Chat should be stream-friendly. This means certain subjects are not allowed in chat. These include, but are not limited to, discussions about sex, politics, religion, or drugs. If a staff member asks you to move a conversation elsewhere or drop one, you should do so.
Advertising is not allowed.
You may not advertise websites, YouTube channels, Twitch streams, or anything else if it is not related to the TE Flotilla.
Allow Captians to do their jobs.
You may not attempt to do a Captians' job in threatening to punish players for breaking the rules. You are not allowed to argue against any decision made by a Captian or higher ranking officer, regarding the enforcement of the rules in any public channel. If you do disagree, please contact a staff member privately to resolve the issue, and if you cannot, contact administration via discord/email.
Spamming is not allowed.
Spamming is filling chat with repeated messages or not using a semi-formal format for basic communication is not tolerated. There is no need for 50 messages when you can put it into 1-2.
Cheating is not tolerated.
Cheating in any form is not allowed. Anything that is considered to give you an unfair advantage over other players is considered cheating. This can include but is not limited to client mods to generate items easier or faster than otherwise possible, or abusing server bugs.
General server rules
No blank, inappropriate, sexually explicit, or nicknames with unusual or unreadable Unicode. Moderators reserve the right to change nicknames.
No inappropriate, sexually explicit profile pictures. A Moderator might ask you to remove or change it. This is a bannable offense.
Exploiting loopholes in the rules are handled by a Moderator. Moderators reserve the right to use their own discretion regardless of any rule.
Text chat rules
No questioning the mods, if you have a problem or disagreement feel free to contact the Admin (@Mr.Cat) though this will most likely result in the same response. Asking to be granted roles/moderator roles should only go through the admin, the Moderators reserve the right to remove roles if they see fit.
No pornographic, NSFW, or illegal content. It will be removed and you will be immediately, permanently banned.
Publishing of personal information (including real names, addresses, emails, passwords, bank account, credit card information, etc.) is not against the rules, though since this is a public discord, you might want to think twice about that.
No personal attacks/harassment is not tolerated. (Sexism, racism, hate speech, offensive language/cursing, are considered personal attacks)
Sexual, political, and religious discussions are not necessary for what the studio does. Just don't.
No spamming/excessive messaging (breaking up an idea in many posts instead of writing it all out in just one post).
No advertisement or links to other servers. Links to outside papers or other resources relevant to that channel are perfectly okay.
Please use the right text channel for the topic you wish to discuss, you will most likely be asked to move to the right one.
Voice chat rules
No voice chat channel hopping.
No annoying, loud, or high pitch noises. Reduce the amount of background noise, if possible. Moderators reserve the right to disconnect, mute, deafen, or move members from a voice channel if your sound quality is poor.